Friday, 10 October 2014

Head sea

By the sea you can read a good book, enjoy a cup of steaming tea, or just do nothing, watching the silver waves, thinking of old times or meditating on your future. It was 10 years ago when I saw the sea for the first time in my life, because of salty air my head was a bit dizzy, I felt the spray of sea water on my face and hair, empty sea shells were crunching under my feet, I was so impressed by the broad expanse of the sea, which creates this illusion of boundlessness. The sea is tender and wrathful at the same time, it's absolutely wild and free, nothing can hold it down, neither people nor circumstances.
На берегу моря можно читать или пить горячий чай, или же вообще ничего не делать, размышляя, смотреть на волны, думать, вспоминать. Впервые я увидела море 10 лет тому назад, брызги соленой воды разлетались вокруг, оседая на лице и волосах, прибрежные камешки и пустые ракушки звенели под ногами, противоположного берега совершенно не было видно,- полная иллюзия безбрежности. Море и ласково и сердито одновременно, его не могут удержать ни люди, ни обстоятельства, оно совершенно свободно, оно проглатывает годы, воскрешает в памяти старые тени. Сложно даже представить сколько душ оно забрало.
With best wishes, Alexandra.


  1. Тебе очень идёт эта курточка и сумка красивая!

    И море..как же хочется увидеть открытую воду.
    У нас рядом есть Балтийское...может добраться хотя бы до него)

  2. I love the sea. I try to spend time walking by the sea in the winter when the beaches are empty. xoxoxo

  3. What a pretty location, it makes me want to go somewhere like that soon. I adore your bag, I have been looking for one in that style for awhile now. Love your tights, they are so elegant and classy.

  4. The ocean certainly is timeless. It's beautiful in it's nature, huh?
    Lovely photos by the seaside, and awwww, little crab!
    Haha, cute outfit as usual. Great tights :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  5. Красивая и стройная! Я словно вдохнула соленый воздух! Ярких и счастливых дней!

  6. Фотографии и музыка очень гармонируют, как будто смотришь видеоклип - очень классно!

  7. Саша! Как здорово! Море, солнце, маяк - отличного вам отдыха)

  8. морем можно любоваться бесконечно, невероятно- оно было таким задолго до нас и останется таким же после, если конечно люди в своей глупости и гордыне не уничтожат все прекрасное

  9. завидую... это наверное счастье жить у моря...

  10. I really like how you described your first meeting with the sea ten years ago!....and what you said about the sea is so true...I think it is its wilderness that we find attractive because it resonated with the desire for freedom we all have.

    You look absolutely lovely on these photographs! The outfit is very elegant and feminine...LBD is always a good choice and those tights make this look more sophisticated....and a denim jacket is a great way to dress it down a little.

  11. Now I see it's not a LBD but a black sweater and skirt...but that was my first impression....Have a nice day, dear!

  12. Великолепные фотографии! такой красивый сет... и очень понравилось, как сидят и сочетаются свитер и юбка. кажется, что это платье))

  13. Сашенька, такие атмосферные фото! Тоже хочу увидеть море - никогда там не была! Крабик - милаха)

  14. Саша, можно полюбопытствовать, какой марки колготки? Безумно красивые!

    1. Спасибо большое! Колготки я купила в Centro:)

  15. Сашуль, тихонько завидую тебе))))) как же здорово у моря!!!!! Роскошные фотографии! Мне кажется, ты очень умиротворенная у моря))))

  16. Hi Alexandra, you look lovely, great photos. Also, I like a lot what you wrote, very nicely said.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Dusana :-)

  17. Как же я скучаю по морю:)Оно прекрасно всегда)Чудесные фотографии,Саша)
    Прекрасного дня тебе и настроения!)


  18. и я сегодня посетила море:) невероятно красивые цвета волн, а от маяка тащусь!

  19. Those photos are so charming and beautiful! You are so pretty! Very chic and outfit, with this lovely tights :) Love your bag and shoes..Little crawfish is so cute.
    Have wonderful weekend ahead of you <3

  20. seaside pictures are always lovely. your tights are awesome!

  21. Мне очень нравятся ажурные колготки! Все снимки очень красивые получились и крабик просто умиление вызывает!

  22. Hello Alexandra, how are you ?
    You are very pretty as always ! I really love your denim jacket and your tights are beautiful <3

  23. So true - the sea is wild and impossible to tame which I find comforting.
    Love your outfit, the tights are sooo pretty!


  24. Dear Alexandra, i like the sea so much. I like to sit and watching the waves or long walks at the beach. I´m not often at the sea, i live to far from the coast.
    You look pretty in your Outfit.The denim jacket ant the stockings are a great contrast. Very nice.
    I wish you a great start into the week.

  25. Oh, I cant wait to visit the sea again... next month I will be at the beach in Tunesia and I cant wait! The pictures of you on the beach are so pretty and I really love to see that any kind of nature suits you so well - I mean, I loved all your wood pictures this Summer but now you also seem to fit so well to the sea. Do you feel more connected to the woods or to the sea? I think I am more a wood person even though I love the sea :)
    Sending you lots of love!

  26. Hello Alexandra. It hadn't occurred to me that many people live inland and the sea is something very inaccessible to them. My country, Singapore, is an island and so we have beaches everywhere. I like to read and know more about blog friends all around the world. It is cute to read that you had dizzy head from the sea salt. I love your patterned stockings. How very lovely.

    These snapshots were taken by their hired photographer. I did not think they were well taken initially as most were very dark. However, I'm pleased with how they look after I brightened and edited the colour tone. They sure brought the experience back now that I look at them. Have a great week yourself too, Alexandra!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  27. Dear Alexandra, the sea is always such an inspirational place and I love it very much especially during the winter time! It always make me so serene and happy!
    Love your pictures, this time the sea looks even more charming with you beeing next to it! I love your tights, they are so beautiful as well as the whole combo together! I wish you a lovely week ahead! Kisses

  28. Very elegant, Alexandra! Love the LBD paired with a jean jacket--chic! T.

  29. Ты на фоне моря как русалочка)))
    Очень красивые фото.

  30. Oh, Alexandra, you are in Turkey now, right? I almost felt your first time by the sea. I don't remember mine, because my parents used to take me with them by the sea since I was born and I am so grateful we have sea in my country! But I wish I could live in a city by the sea. I miss it so much! Thank you for sharing those inspiring words! Happy Monday! xo

  31. ммм как же я люблю море и особенно когда никогда нет!
    прекрасно выглядишь,как всегда

  32. Wow stunning photos with beautiful scenery of the sea and that lighthouse! You also look gorgeous in that simple yet fashionable outfit-- the tights are so cool!

    xx Debbie

  33. Ochen lublu more, obozhau vozduh propitanni iodom i sol'u... Fotografii zamechatel'nie, Sash. Takaya krasavitsa. x

  34. Dear Alexandra, I know also the first time when I saw the sea so well: I was already 24 years old :) And again you found the perfect words to describe the mood and the possibilities at the sea ... in fact so perfect that now I want to go to the sea soon again! Thanks for your heartwarming words, I heard already the waves.
    Further I want you to congratulate to your look as I really like it. The combination with the black dress, the denim jacket and the sea blue bag is not only wonderful but also perfect matching with your day at the sea <3
    Wish you a wonderful rest of the week!

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

    International giveaway: Top form by the reason of problems

  35. So wonderful. I really love the sea, a great place for thinking and also for letting everything wash away. You look gorgeous. I hope you are having a lovely week so far xx

  36. Alexandra you look beautiful. Like beautiful mermaid came out from the see for a stroll to pick last summer flowers. So romantic.
    Hope you're having wonderful week so far.

    xoxo Ra

  37. какая красивая у тебя сумка,прямо в цвет моря)))эх,я бы тоже с удовольствием прогулялась по берегу,любуясь красивым горизонтом и наслаждаясь звуками волн)))

  38. Как же красиво сказано про море! И правда ведь, такая противоречивая стихия... И ласковая, и суровая порой... Но всегда прекрасная. Считаю дни до того момента, когда смогу вдохнуть в себя морской воздух и пробежать по бескрайнему берегу. Ну а пока радуюсь за тебя, ведь рядом с морем так хорошо:)

  39. море прекрасно в любую погоду, это то, чем я могу любоваться вечно) мне повезло, что родилась в городе у моря. Жаль что у нас почти не видно моря с дороги и к нему нужно спускаться, ехать.. Но без воды не могу)


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