Thursday, 4 June 2015


This refined architecture of ancient buildings inspires me incredibly much, Russian churches with these burning onion domes remind me of bright candlelight in the mists of time. Involuntarily begin to think that today we are alive, but how about tomorrow? What does tomorrow hold? God give or withhold His gifts according to the faith. How beautifully said, how eternal these words are.
Меня чрезвычайно сильно вдохновляет изысканная архитектура старых зданий, русских церквей с этими луковичными куполами вздымающимися ввысь точно стройные, горящие золотом свечки на фоне темнеющих вечерних небес. Невольно задумываешься, сегодня мы живы, а завтра? Что будет завтра? Каждому будет дано по вере его. Прекрасна эта вещая песня, вечные слова.
leather jacket: Concept club/ sweatshirt: Incity / jeans: Levi's / ring: Swarovski elements
Love, Alex.
Stay in touch with me: Instagram


  1. Faith is important...even if one is not religious believing in something greater than ourself is needed...everyone must find their own moral compass and faith is often the arrow on the compass without which we would be lost.

    You look absolutely beautiful...curly hair suits you so lovely...under this light it looks red...perhaps I was wrong to assume you are a brunette now?

    The outfit is very stylish, I immensly like the blue jeans and jacket combination....flawless casual styling.

    I really like traditional built or old churches, usually I like them better the older they are...there is something calming about the fact that a place was a source of comfort for so long.

    1. No, I'm not red at all, it's just the play of light and shadow on the photographs.
      Ivana, thank you for your poetic and true comment, when I'm reading your thoughts I feel like I'm reading a book, which is full of living wisdom and knowledge.

    2. You are too kind, I don't have a feeling that I'm especially wise but I will admit that expressing myself through words comes naturally to me because I have worked a lot on my writing skills.
      My hair also sometimes looks red in the sun, despite the fact that it is really dark brown, almost black...light can be a strange thing.

  2. Саша, я тоже всегда задумываюсь над этим! И вера очень много значит в моей жизни.
    Архитектура действительно потрясающая, очень вдохновляет:)
    Любуюсь твоим новым оттенком волос, роскошный!

  3. I think the reason why cameras are banned is because the flashes can damage oil paintings, change their original colour and cause them to decay in time. I guess the reason why it wasn't forbidden to take photos in this exhibition is that the painting were from private collections, painted by lesser known painters. If they were famous paintings, they would probably be off limits for cameras...there is always also an issue of copy and legal rights, a painting or a work of art can be protected against copying in this way.

    ...and yes, I always feel better when I see something beautiful, something that soothes my soul.

  4. Мне тоже нравятся купола русских церквей. Нижний Новгород красивейший город с массой архитектурных шедевров. Надеюсь, это не изменится!

    1. Ох, Лера, а мне как бы хотелось, чтобы лицо города не искажалось гримасой современности, ты бы знала, как уродуют старинные купеческие дома и усадьбы непотребными рекламными постерами, сносят старые дома, а на их месте возводят очередные бездушные торговые центры.

  5. очень люблю такие образы,красивые фото, а колечко и сумочка прелесть!
    пошла искать в интсаграм:-)))

  6. Oooh, love the blue themed outfit and light mix of shades. And again, the hairrrrr <3 Love love love it :)
    Thanks for the lovely comment too! I really wish we could transport back in time sometimes. I bet this building would be even more splendid to see in a previous lifetime.

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  7. I would love to visit Russia and see more of these beautiful churches! The architecture is really amazing and we do not have anything similar to that in Germany - nothing as payful. I guess the German architects have never been playful (with a few exceptions, like Hunderwasser). Anyway, I love this light blue look on you! It somehow makes you look a little fragile, but in a good way :)

  8. krasiy obraz!!!! tebe o4en idet goluboy cvet)))) ya ponimay tvoi 4uvstva, menya takje bezumno vdoxnovlyaet arxitektura... i ne tolko cerkvey... obojay peshie progulki i ispitivat naslajdenie ot krasoti dostopreme4atelnostey))))) xoroshey pyatnici))))

  9. Что меня цепляет больше всего, это осознание того, что все это было задумано с какой-то целью, и построено с душой, человеческими руками.

  10. Ой , Сашенька ! Как красиво ты пишешь !!!
    Колечко очень милое!

  11. Великолепный пост и просто потрясающие фотографии! Полностью погрузилась в атмосферу... спасибо вам за это!
    Заходите ко мне в гости) Буду рада дружить :))

  12. Dear Alexandra, not only your outfit but also the pictures are perfect! You look adorable and these blue shades are fitting perfect to you <3
    I understand that such old buildings bring you to think ... similar thoughts are coming often to me when I watch the Alps. And in my mind there are then thoughts like this: You, the Alps, have been already for such a long time, and you will be there for a long time in the future. And in comparison with my life this period shows me how short my life in fact is ...
    Happy weekend for you!
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  13. Очень атмосферный фон вы выбрали для фото, получилось здорово!
    И... вечные слова, вы правы! )

  14. Очень стильно и фото атмосферные! Приятно посмотреть!

  15. Последнее фото просто завораживает...
    Сашенька, как же мне понравились твои джинсы, обожаю немножечко рваненькие)
    Мелодия замечательная, с удовольствием прослушала.

  16. Саша, у тебя всегда красивые фото! Хороших выходных!

  17. Красивые фото, мудрые слова и прекрасная девушка. Сашенька, оттенок твоих волос просто бомба.

  18. Александра спасибо за ваши вдохновляющие посты, прекрасно подобранную музыку и теплоту в блоге.
    Каждому будет дано по вере его. Очень сильная и глубокая фраза из Библии. Она заставила меня задуматься о своем.

  19. The architecture is really beautiful- that picture of the church's rooftops is breathtaking! So many gorgeous colors in one place!
    I love your outfit Alex- the jacket is something I would love to have in my wardrobe- the color is just way too pretty! And I love how you styled it together with those denim ripped jeans, such a cool combination!

  20. krasivaia!! v golubom tebe oceni! arhitektura zahvativaet! zeluiu

  21. Oh dear, I really love your hairstyle and colour, it's such a pretty change and looks beautiful on you! :))
    And the architecture is beautiful, I hope someday I'll be able to see it with my own eyes and photograph the town :)

  22. I have a thing for Russian churches, I love that they are so colourful!
    Your outfit also turned out really great, and I like your curls!


  23. Очень приятный голубой наряд, он так красиво смотрится с медными локонами.

  24. Dear Alex, I'm truly in love with your new hair color! When I think of you, I always see you as a Russian princess nad with this hair color, you remind me of royality even more!
    I love the baby blue shades on you and the pictures turned out just amazing! Stunning my dear! You look very, very beautiful! :)

  25. Hi Alex and thank you for stopping at my blog!!! I like very much this basic outfit, especially your beautiful jacket!!!!
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  26. Beautiful words and beautiful photos! Love your jeans, and the ring is fabulous <3 Gorgeous post, as always <3 :)

  27. Чудесный образ! Кольцо очень понравилось))

  28. Alex, there's something so different about you here. I know, it's your hair! I'm always used to seeing you as a beautiful blonde garden or water nymph. You always look ethereal even when clad in modern clothing. Over here, you look just so modern and chic. I'm not sure if you are a brunette or have auburn hair here and your curls, I don't think I've seen such curls on you before. Is this a throwback post or you had a new look recently?

    Your words are always so poetic and some of your own quotes, I could actually remember. Those beautiful words are etched in my mind and I feel as if they are my thoughts at times. What sorcery are yoy practising on me? Hehehe

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  29. Обожаю старые здания. Когда вижу - сразу начинаю думать, что за люди там жили или бывали, о чем они думали, о чем мечтали...
    Здорово выглядишь! Классный образ!
    Тебе очень идет этот цвет волос! Так естественно и гармонично выглядит!

  30. очень красиво, но не могу привыкнуть к цвету еще

  31. Очень правильные слова! Мне нравится не только смотреть твой блог, но и читать. Так много полезных мыслей и истин в нем!
    А теперь по поводу смотреть! Давно я ничего не смотрела, а тут раз— и моя любимая Александра в новом стиле! Прекрасные кудряшки и цвет волос) Саш, действительно удачная перемена. Ты супер!

  32. Blue again, I see you like a lot this color. I like roofs is the first detail I like to take picture.

  33. Perfect jeans and your jacket is very pretty. Kisses beautiful Alexandra :)


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